Thursday 31 July 2014

Interaction with the Fresh minds...

Some Chat Transcripts of the Past....

Chat Transcript – 31.10.2012

Moderator: Welcome to the High Tea Session with Dr. Siddhartha Pandey, Chief People Officer (Group Head - HR), Bhushan Power & Steel limited. Mr. Pandey will join the chat at 3 pm. In the meanwhile, you can send your questions related to the topic - Conventional to professional HR transformation. Kindly note your questions will be moderated and sent to the celebrity to answer. Questions already answered by the Celebrity will not be entertained.

Dr. Siddhartha : Good afternoon, this is Siddhartha. I will be taking questions on the topic - Conventional to professional HR transformation...

Bhagat: How has HR practices evolved in the last 5 years?
Dr. Siddhartha : Well initially it was Time Office, then P&A then evolved in to HR and today it is an era of HRIS...

Manjhli: How HR helps in building professional workplace?
Dr. Siddhartha : @Manjhli, nice question... HR plays a huge role in building Professional environment as it starts with getting people on board, nurturing the talent, proper employee engagement and making them grow with the Organisation.

Samiksha: What challenges do new age HR personnel face?
Dr. Siddhartha : @Samiksha...there are different challenges in different companies. Still 50% of the Indian Companies think HR has only 2 functions: Recruitment and Separation. But the story has evolved much beyond that, as a classic example, you can see that all the successful organizations has got a very strong and empowered HR system...

Raghavendra: It's prevalent that the role of HR is more or less confined to recruitment. What is your take on this?
Dr. Siddhartha : @Raghavendra... it is not at all correct...yes you can say that it started like that, but now HR has evolved in Business HR which is directly connected to the business goal of an Organization...

Vaishali: What activities can HR carry out to bring transformation from family owned to professionally managed business? To what extent can HR succeed in bringing a change?
Dr. Siddhartha :'s more upto the person who is spearheading the HR of the organisation. He has to make the management understand what the importance of HR is and what they are missing by not accepting the HR function in this competitive business scenario.

Kartik: Small and mid-sized companies are generally not too cash rich and thus do not offer many monetary benefits that most big organisations offer. What should be the role of HR in such organisations to mitigate employee dissatisfaction and enhance motivation?
Dr. Siddhartha : @Kartik...monetary benefits are not the only things that motivate employees. Making an employee feel important and special should be the main objective of the organisation...we have seen lot orgs where the pay packs are really good, but employees are treated like more of a slave…dissatisfaction as well as chances of collateral damage are more in such organisations rather than other issues...

Sushma: Are the new age HR personnel ethically stronger than the conventional HR?
Dr. Siddhartha : @Sushma, you can't say that, ethics come from an individual's persona.... as well as value system he believes in...

Manisha: What rewards and recognition programmes should companies embrace to promote employees' efficiency and motivation towards work?
Dr. Siddhartha : @Manisha...there are a lot of methodologies for doing it starting from PMS which suits the industries...

Sriram: The HR function in majority of the Indian midsized IT Companies today is a mute executor of the wishes and whims of the line function? How can the HR function get empowered in these Organizations to make them Global World class workplaces rather than remain tiny local players?
Dr. Siddhartha : @Sriram...HR function in IT Companies is more of acting like a vendor, as it is not directly linked to the core actions. HR function in most companies involves less exposure with the field; it is basically done as per project availability... so one would not have that exposure of what other industries do... But nice question though...

Priyanka: How to develop PMS in an organization dealing in different business areas as per MBO system? I am currently in process with this project. Please advise.
Dr. Siddhartha : @Priyanka...the objective level for different business areas are different, i can understand that. You just have to give some time to yourself and understand the importance of the job that each area i doing... if you are able to do that, then it becomes lot easier...

Amit: What measures do you think an organization needs to take to be proactively involved in business strategies rather than being reactive?
Dr. Siddhartha : @ Amit...first they need to understand the importance of HR.. at times there are bunch of jokers who are there in the management committee who don't understand ABCs of management and try to demonstrate as they are aware of everything under the sun. In short right people should be placed at right place. This is the greatest challenge of any org...

Shravani: In small sized companies, HR is considered as a cost center, and is expected to bring in transformation with lowest possible budgets. In such a scenario, what employee engagement / other activities can be carried out to keep the work-force motivated? How can one have a balanced approach?
Dr. Siddhartha : @Shravani... these are very basic situations with HR... It is there in all companies… Cost is definitely a factor in any vertical... be that Marketing, finance or HR...

Vaishali: What strategy should HR adopt to manage, secure and motivate a diverse workforce in a small-sized firm in an unorganized sector?
Dr. Siddhartha : @Vaishali...focus on the existing employees... monetary benefits will always be there... try and make them enrich their knowledge... let them do what they believe and try to link them with the goal of the company...

Pranay: The role of HR has dramatically changed from administrative to strategic business function. Do you think the potential of HR has now been harnessed completely or are there more functions that HR can perform in coming future?
Dr. Siddhartha : @Pranay...HR function will always be there to get everything together in an organized manner by their expertise...

Kulbhushan: What role does present day HR play in fulfilling inexplicit needs of the management on the hiring front?
Dr. Siddhartha : @Kulbhushan...getting the right person with multiple specialties...

Karan: In the current scenario and especially in the BPO, ITO space, the roles of HR and Delivery are getting blurred...with the Ops now being expected to take care of employee issues, performance evaluation, attrition, leaves etc. where do you think we are heading - an HR less Organization.
Dr. Siddhartha: I said previously....HR function will always be there to get everything together in an organized manner by their expertise...

Dr. Siddhartha: Dear All, it has been nice speaking to you all. Thank you for your time. Have a happy and safe Diwali...

Moderator: Thanks everyone for taking out time to participate in the session. Hope the session was useful for you. We apologize that due to time constraint, Mr. Pandey could not answer all questions. The chat transcripts of the session will be made available for your future read, soon on the site.

  Dr. Siddhartha Pandey, 
  Head of Human Resources
  Shristi Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd. 
  Chat Transcript – 11.07.2012

Moderator: Welcome to the High Tea Session with Dr. Siddhartha Pandey - Head HR - Shristi Infra Ltd. Dr. Pandey will join the chat at 3 pm. In the meanwhile, you can send your questions related to the topic - Role of HR in Economic turbulent situation. Kindly note your questions will be moderated and sent to the celebrity to answer. Questions already answered by the Celebrity will not be entertained.

Dr. Siddhartha : Good afternoon, this is Siddhartha. I will be taking questions on Role of HR in Economic turbulent situation.

Suresh: What should be an ideal talent acquisition strategy for HR managers in economic turbulent situations?
Dr. Siddhartha : I appreciate your query .What I believe is that, in situations like where in you can't go for mass recruitment, you need to select people who can be utilized for multiple purposes keeping optimum utilization in mind.

Risha: During a turbulent economic situation, if you are amongst the few companies hiring, how HR can ensure they don't miss good people or alienate future prospects and customers?
Dr. Siddhartha : To answer your question Risha, I would like to say that, in such situations the interview process has to be very intensive and thorough in order to get the cream out of the lot. But yes, there is always a chance of failure because even in normal situation all your recruitments may not be successful. We judge a candidate as per their performance on that particular interview.

Anushri:Should investment be made in training & development activities and what budgets should be set for the same?
Dr. Siddhartha : Hi Anushri, ideally every company should have their own Training Calendar. It may not be followed religiously at the time of economic turbulent situation, but we can always go for In-house Training which can be done by our very own employees. I am sure that is going be a value addition for the employees too.

Ranjeet: Good Evening. What will be strategic hr in such turbulent scenario especially in Indian infrastructure industry?
Dr. Siddhartha : Hi Ranjeet, go for freshers hiring. Get fresh talent in the business like GETs or MTs.

Sukhdev: How can a start-up company attract employees in an environment of job insecurity crept in the employees (due to economic turbulence)?
Dr. Siddhartha : : Hi Sukhdev, the best option would be to offer the best package in the Industry. The other options would be to have a very crystal HR policy, good work environment, better policy of rewards and recognition...that's I think...

Shiv Kumar: How to do the competency Mapping in economic turbulent?
Dr. Siddhartha : Competency Mapping will be more vigilant and performance based.

Akanksha: How to keep Employees motivated in their moral up for better productivity in Economic Turbulent Situations when ever no Annual appraisals are done?
Dr. Siddhartha : Appreciate your question Akanksha; I can understand that it is really difficult for the employees to handle the situation. I guess this is the time when the Management skills need to be implemented. Employee retention, employee engagement and all other welfare activities comes into the picture keeping the cost in mind. 7. A small pat on the shoulder does a lot than tangible gifts.

Anirudh: In this scenario, for the non-performers should lay offs be considered as an option or they should be put on PIP as the company will have to bear simultaneous costs of new hires and current non-performers?
Dr. Siddhartha : Hi Anirudh, when situation arises where the matter of cost comes in the picture, cutting the cost down is the only thing I look at. But downsizing is something that I keep as the last option.

Raghav: How HR can make a difference in managing employee performance and ensuring productivity in difficult times?
Dr. Siddhartha : This is for Raghav - We can share the jobs into teams led by experienced employees who can provide with feedback on daily basis and influence the performance of the team members which brings in performance under guidance.

Rakshit:What communication model can be adopted by HR to imbibe trust in employees in the turbulent situation?
Dr. Siddhartha : Hi Rakshit, Ideally models are supposed to be read from books and learn, you can not use a model for different situations. I would say that, transparency is very much required in whatever we communicate with our employees.

Rehan: What your organization do to ensure that you maintain the balance between achieving short-term cost savings and building long-term competitive advantage during economic crisis?
Dr. Siddhartha : We maintain succession planning...

Neha:What can be done to build expertise in human resource development and expanding the emotional intelligence of the employees in order to understand and deal with this situation in a better way?
Dr. Siddhartha : We can go for quality circles...having thorough discussion about various issues along with inputs.

Alok:Which of the best practices that you follow at your organisation can also help during turbulent economic environment?
Dr. Siddhartha : Well from the HR point of view, we always try to create a win-win situation between the organization and the Employees.

Kavita: What should be the Employer Branding strategy for HR managers in tough market scenario?
Dr. Siddhartha : Best employer branding strategy in tough market scenario will be social/ professional networking sites, taking part in job fairs, campusing in colleges...

Moderator:Due to time constraint, we will now be taking the last question of this session.
Dr. Siddhartha : Hi Aatraye, yes there are companies doing Market research including Novozymes

Ketan: What should be a top priority for an HR manager in economic turbulent situations?
Dr. Siddhartha : Cost Effective strategies, optimum utilization of existing employees, retaining the existing employees, more performance oriented appraisal...

Dr. Siddhartha : I thank you all for your time.

Moderator: Thanks everyone for taking out time to participate in the session. Hope the session was useful for you. We apologize that due to time constraint, Dr. Pandey could not answer all questions. The chat transcripts of the session will be made available for your future read, soon on the site.
Dr. Pandey is a member of STAR India and has recently written an Article for WBUT on:

by Dr. Siddhartha Pandey
In this era of giving opportunity to fresh talent, taking the right hiring decisions and being able to attract and retain the right talent is the biggest challenge.

From the point of view of the Organizations, the first interaction between them and the students is Campus Drive. The Institutions play the major role in making these students Employable to the Industry.

Expectations for a Recruiter, while going for Talent Acquisition, from the students would be sincerity, punctuality, respect (both for College and the Org.), smartness, display of knowledge and confidence. Things become difficult when these expectations are not met. We expect the students to be a bit nervous but casualty or over confidence is not something that we appreciate.

I think WBUT with APAI is doing a great job in meeting the expectations of the Employers. The Concept of organizing Central Training and Placement Activities seems to be a good one. Not only for students, but for the Recruiters as well. It will be saving a lot of time, at the same time the Employers will be choosing from best set of Students.

As discussed on the eve of The HR Conclave 2012, I support the fact that it should be a joint effort of the Industry and the Colleges to prepare these students in the best possible manner to make them employable globally.

R&R of the Leader

Rewards & Recognition:

Awarded as “The Youngest Successful HR  Professional” at the India Leadership Summit 2012 by BCCI and EIILM on 1st February 2012 A joint initiative by The Bengal Chamber of Commerce & Industry and Eastern Institute for Integrated Learning in Management. The program was inaugurated by Honourable Sri Bratya Basu, Minister-in-Charge Higher Education (Chief Guest) and Honorable Sri Madan Mitra, Minister-in-Charge, Sports and Transport (Special Guest), Govt. of West Bengal.

The event was enlightened by the presence of Mr. Harshvardhan Neotia - Managing Director, Bengal Ambuja Housing Development, Mr. P.K. Panda – Group President, HR & Chairman’s - Office, Adani Group, Mr. Anil Noronha – Executive Vice President, Wadhawan Group, Mr. Sanjeev Kotnala – VP & National Head, Dainik Bhaskar, Mr. Saugata Mitra - Chief People Officer & Group Head HR, Mother Dairy Fruit & Vegetable Private Limited, Mr. Sujoy Banerjee – President, Group HR & OD, McNally Bharat Engineering Company Ltd. and many other Leaders across India.

Awarded for “Global H.R. Excellence Contribution” at World HRD Congress 2011 – 12 organized by Star News and Bloomberg on 16th – 18th February, 2012 at Mumbai on 16-18th of February 2012. This event was supported by Times Ascent, NASCOM, ONGC, NTPC, Mahindra & Mahindra and SAIL and many more. This event was turned into a grand success by the presence of more than 3500 Senior HR professionals from across the globe.

The event was blessed by the presence by Dr. M. Veerappa Moily, Union Minister of Corporate Affairs. He was joined by Dr. Bhaskar Chatterjee – Director General & CEO, IICA; Mr. Ashok Venkatramani- CEO, Star News; Mr. Harish Mehta, Chairman & MD – NASSCOM; Mr. K. Ramkumar – Executive Director, ICICI Bank ltd.; Dr. Rana Kapoor – Founder, MD & CEO of Yes Bank;  S.V. Nathan, Director – Deloitte; Dr. Y.V. Verma – CEO, LG Electronics and many more.

Dr. Pandey is associated with the International School of Business:

Guest Lecturer in IIM – Kolkata, JD Birla Institute, Jadavpur University, ISB Kolkata. 

Provided lecture on topics like:

1.      “Future of Human Resources”
2.      “Winning with Leadership”
3.   “Enhancements in Human Resource Management”


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